Aptera 10" x 2.5" Alkaline Water Filter (887017)

Sale price$145.00


The Aptera AlkaMag Water Filter offers premium filtration that results in crystal-clear, healthy, and great-tasting drinking water. With a patented 10-stage process, it infuses natural alkaline to increase pH levels and emit Far Infrared Rays that increase energy, reduce stress, and aid concentration. Its unique blend of copper and zinc reduces heavy metals, microorganisms, and scale. The filter passes through a polishing sediment filter to ensure safe and clean drinking water. It is recommended for post-reverse osmosis systems.

To use: place it between the permeate side of the membrane and the water holding tank. This water filter needs a slower flow rate to have sufficient contact time with each media.

Click here for additional information on the Aptera AlkaMag Water Filter.
It is recommended to replace filters every year.

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