Our Pro Series 7-stage Reverse Osmosis UV Remineralizer Drinking Water System filters your drinking water using reverse osmosis and UV light to remove harmful bacteria and contaminants. It adds essential minerals back into your water while virtually destroying all illness-causing microorganisms, ensuring you have access to clean and safe drinking water. This Pro Series 7-stage water filtration system is known for its easy installation process and filter replacement. It comes with all the necessary items for installation. The system can easily fit under your kitchen sink, occupying only one corner of the room.
7-Stage Purification Process:
- 5 Micron Sediment Filter
reduces dirt, sand, and rust
- 10 Micron Carbon Block Filter
reduces chlorine, objectionable tastes, and odor
- 10 Micron Carbon Block Filter
reduces chlorine, objectionable tastes, and odor
- 50 GPD (gallons per day) Membrane
high production thin-film composite membrane
- Carbon Post-Filter
enhancing the water’s taste
- Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer
The eco-friendly solution for 99.99% removal of bacteria and viruses
- Remineralizing Filter
Adds valuable minerals back into your drinking water.